FAQ – What Did We Learn on Leg 15?

Leg 15 was another short one (similar to Leg 13 in 2023), but we still managed to learn a few things during our eight weeks in Europe. Here are my top three lessons to share: It can pay off to fight the power The EU has relatively strict airline rules for delayed and cancelled flights…

FAQ – How Did Our Abbreviated Leg 15 Add Up?

Like Leg 13, we ended up having to adjust this leg to accommodate family health issues. With the added time in America (where we have free accommodation in a family home), I was able to give us a very generous budget for our eight weeks on the road for Leg 15. Here’s how the numbers…

FAQ – What Did We Learn on Leg 14?

Our first big lesson from Leg 14 is to write down a few lessons as soon as we get home from each leg in case months pass before I make this post! But after brainstorming and reminiscing with Chad, we managed to come up with a few relevant lessons specific to Leg 14. Weather Really…

FAQ – How Did Our Leg 14 Numbers Work Out

We were pretty spot-on with our budget for our four months in South America. We were a little unsure about how the economic conditions would impact us in Argentina, but it somewhat stabilized as we were there, at least for the type of expenses we had (groceries, restaurants, etc.). Peru wasn’t as quite the value…

FAQ – What Did We Learn in Africa?

Spending almost 10 weeks in Africa was eye-opening. We had a number of incredible experiences and learned so much. Here are a few of the lessons we’ll take with us: Beware of Bad Reputations Egypt really does have a terrible reputation among travelers – mostly due to the touts (the people constantly trying to sell…

FAQ – How Well Did We Budget for Africa?

Leg 13 was our first time visiting Africa, our first new continent since 2019. I tried to budget a little high for this leg since there was a fair bit of uncertainty, even reallocating part of our year-end time-at-home budget to Africa. Turned out that wasn’t necessary and we finished the leg $455 under my…

FAQ – What Did We Learn on Leg 12?

More than four months have passed since we left Mexico. One recurring lesson of this travel life is that during the time when we’re at home, I’m significantly less likely to keep up with our blog. But I do want to close out the leg with a quick “What We Learned” post for the sake…

FAQ – Did Inflation Impact Our Leg 12 Numbers?

FAQ – Did Inflation Impact Our Leg 12 Numbers? This year we considered upping our annual travel and living budget for the first time since we started traveling full-time in 2018. Since then, we’ve stayed at $3,000 per month on average for our “discretionary” budget housing, food, entertainment, and transportation expenses. That doesn’t include all…

FAQ – What Did We Learn on Leg 10?

I pride myself on the fact that Chad and I are always learning. The desire to learn is one of the main drivers of our desire to travel. But I have to admit, after our Leg 10 in Spain and Portugal, it was a bit of a challenge to come up with new travel lessons….

FAQ – What Were Our Leg 10 Numbers?

Leg 10 in Spain and Portugal was another terrific trip. It was a bit shorter than our pre-COVID legs at 12 weeks (technically 13 on my budget with the time at home at the beginning and end). However, we fit in a lot in that short amount of time. And it was our first new…